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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

There's a Yeti in the playground!

When I heard a weird sound I was very scared.
"What is that wailing sound?" I asked our teacher.
"UM AH, it must be the wind" stuttered the teacher,I could tell she didn't know ether. All these thoughts were spinning round my head one of them was it would be amazing if the school was closed!" please teacher let us go out!" begged the class. There was silence for a long time.
"No-one knows whats out there, maybe a Yeti!" shivered our teacher. Ops I need to introduce my self, my name is Cathy, I am 12, I've got long black hair down to my feet and everyone says I've got way too many freckles. Anyway, let's get back to the story.
"Let's hide in our tote trays" shouted Nathan.
"How, were too big?" my best friend Katrina suggested.
"What about we lie in the middle of the floor like our lock down drill?"I asked
"YES, YES, YES!" the whole class shouted, even our teacher thought it was a good plan. Just then the door creaked open, we lifted our heads slightly and we saw a Yeti! It was obviously blind because it walked straight past us and left the school grounds, yay!
By Sarah.

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