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Thursday, October 17, 2019

There"s a yeti in the playground! By Griffin

                          There's a yeti in the playground!

We knew we should not of walked out of the class room when we herd  wailing sounds but when we did all we could see was a giant baby!
"WHAAAA!!!" cried the baby before lifting our science teacher Mr. lollipop.
"PUT...ME...DOWN!!!!!!!" screamed Mr lollipop.
"NO" said the baby and then he ate Mr lollipop!
"YAY!" shouted everyone
"ONE BILLION YEARS IN DETENTION!!!!!" shouted mister glob

"nooooooooo!!!!" nooooed everyone.
and then the baby wich I call bob started smashing buildings!
"YAY no school!" shouted the class.
but then a giant banana went crashing through the roof!

author:Griffin O"Brien

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