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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

There's a yeti in the playground

There's a yeti in the playground

"Whats that sound in the playground," Asked Mahamid.
"I don't know it's probably just the wind" Answered Abdul. And they walked away expecting nothing!

The sound was like the wind in a hurricane or a parachute flapping around in the wind or maybe a rocket taking off

"Alright class today w-whats that ferocious sound, I'm gonna go check it out," Said miss Jefferosa in a moderate tone. As she walked it got louder and louder.

Then she was there, she almost fainted at the sight of the thing producing the sound, and it was one of the children in her class, and his name is... Jeff, and he was blowing on a piece of toast, and Jeff has super breath. But that's a story for another day.



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