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Thursday, October 17, 2019

There's a Yeti in the Playground...

There was this strange noise echoing around in the playground this morning. It was a wailing sound, and I dont know if it sounded more like a dying animal or Maisy whining, but I was certain that it was one of those two. Or three. Maisy was trying to come up with another better option for what was making that crazy wailing sound, because, obviously, she didn't like my idea(who wouldn't like my idea? I mean, I like that idea, and I think everyone else would to. Apart from Maisy of course. Uggrrrhhhh!).
Maisy wasn't doing very well, though, because all she could come up with was that wailing sound sounding like Gary getting stuck in the recycling bins for the umpteenth time(that would be annoying, wouldn't it?!) and the fire brigade aren't happy about it. While I was thinking  about that, this strange, swirling, windy sound started sneaking up behind me, before slowly fading away. I ignored it, thinking it was just some wind. I surveyed Maisy, without turning around, saying:"Have you come up with anything better than Gary getting stuck in the bin again yet? Because im sorta curious about it now". No reply apart from a faint screaming and that windy sound again. "Maisy?!" I turn around. "Maisy!!!" I shouted in horror. Maisy had been swept away by a tornado.

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