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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

There's a yeti in the playground

There's a yeti in the playground

"Please don't think I'm weird but I've been hearing some strange wailing noises lately," I said.
"yeah me too it's coming from the playground"
Who you just heard was Jack he is a short and chubby kid and he's pretty clumsy he once fell over and thought he broke his left leg. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Oh, and I'm Jeff, by the way, I also have blue eyes and brown hair and even better I'm SKINNY. Anyway...
"WAIT you've also been hearing them," I said in joy
"DAH" Jack replies "let's go check it out"
So we did. There's snow brushing against my face and I didn't pack a jumper aaaaaaagggggggghhhhh stupid me!

We finally arrive and see a green thing with a guitar. "wait a sec" I whisper to Jack its Kermit the frog. "Oh hiya, fellas" Kermit shouts.My heart starts beating mega fast and Jack faints. I decide to leave Jack and walk forwards. "Oh kermy dinner time" Miss Piggy says.
"AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH shut up you stupid dumb pig" Kermit shouts in frustration! THE END


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