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Thursday, February 27, 2014


In Harbin which is in the North China  it's -16 degrees! The people in china are building massive sculptures made out of snow and ice they even put lasers in them! At night they glow like a disco ball. Imagine being there it would be great! They even have a ice slides! We looked at this after we had done an ice experiment.
Yesterday we did an experiment on melting ice circles. First we wrote numbers from 1 to 6 on a sheet the title was ice ice baby. Then Miss Cheeseman rolled a dice the winner was the one who melted it fastest Jaydens group.  
We rubbed it on the table very hard which got rid of allot of water which made it be allot essayer to melt and later everyone's ice melted.
it was existing because I thought that it would't melt but it did until we broke it.
By Keir and Sean ICE ice Baby! on PhotoPeach


  1. It was great to see the photos - you look like you are having heaps of fun with science. Mr Corlett - Rm6 Waikanae School

  2. Hi Laingholm school we love your ice project because it looks really fun we hope we can do it too! From Chloe (in room 11)
    i liked it because it looked awesome from shannyn (in room 11 from oaklands school)

  3. Looks like a cool race to do.Hope you had fun.
