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Monday, February 17, 2014

This is the story of Valentine

Valentine is a man who lived 1000 years ago.There was also a man called Claudius. Claudius wanted all the men to be in his army. The men did not want to be in the army because they have Wives and Chidren to take care of. Claudius had band every one never to get married. So they would go into Claudius's army. Although Valentine had tried to get married but Claudius found out and sent him behind bars for what he did. One day Claudius and his army killed Valentine. Before Valentine had died a women came into his prison they talked for ages until the women had to go. Every year on the 14th of February people would throw flowers and notes.

By Anika and Rosie


  1. Very interesting. Thanks for the info.

  2. That's new information for me ..... I'd love to know some more.
    Thanks, Mr Corlett (Waikanae School)

  3. Hi Anika and Rosie,
    that is some very interesting information. I have learnt a little bit from that information. Next time you could maybe research a bit more and maybe add a little bit more information.
    Thanks, Beth (Oaklands School) Room11
