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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rocking Reader

A reward for all those that choose to read over the long holidays and flash up a wee review here with labels of reviews and reading:

Review Instructions:
When writing a book review, you must explain the following things:
RATING: score out of 5

Recommended for
Your opinion of the book
Reviewed by:
Title: Baa Baa Smart Sheep
Author:  Mark Sommerset
Rating: 4/5
This book is a picture book with wee little speech bubbles to tell the story. It is based around two characters, the Sheep and Quirkey Turkey.  It could be set either on a farm or in a field, the illustrations are quite simple so it’s hard to tell. The characters show great expressions in their faces throughout the book. The story is based around the Sheep telling Quirkey Turkey that his poo is actually smart tablets. It’s awesome the way the sheep convinces him to  eat the tablets – and obviously there are some interesting consequences.
I would recommend this book to all children who love funny books, and some teachers too.
It’s a great read aloud book! Hilarious!
Reviewed by: Claire Cheeseman


  1. Hi miss Cheese man I read a book called judy mudy
    Ithink you guys can guess why she is called judy moody because of all her moods she's has them all. So she's going to be in third grade and she is going to be in a new class. so her teacher gives the whole class a me collage project and she has lots of fun that she foregets all about her mood.
    So read Judy Moody you will like it!


  2. I love that Baa Baa smart sheep book it is really funny and gross.I should buy this book and ask my parents to read it they would laugh hard out.

    Nolwazi(Merry Christmas to everyone)

  3. I think that the baa baa smart sheep is quite funny . we are learning about titanic .do you know enthing about titanic. we are doing news paper reports. What are you learning about? Will you visit old moat blog in Manchester?

  4. I would like to buy the book it is very funny,why don't you make a slide show?I will appreciate it if you come and visit our blog in Old Moat School in Manchester, Thanks.

    Dear Anas

  5. i think that baa baa smart sheep is really funny.and we are leaning about titanic and writing news paper reports January 2011, we the year 4 and 5 class went to visit The Merseryside Maritime Museum in Liverpool.

  6. hi,i am parsa, i am 8,we are in old moat school.
    in our class i have ,remeya,tyler,ayoub,betheny,
