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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Summerland Camp - Word clouds - WordItOut

Summerland Camp - Word clouds - WordItOut

we got into pairs and wrote as many descriptive words about camp as we could. we then pasted all our words into worditout. click on the link above or the image to see it bigger

Word cloud made with WordItOut


  1. Miss cheeseman...ummm the little word are too small...but I like it!

  2. Click on the link above or below the image mate - then you can see it full size
    PS awesome feedback/comment
    Miss Cheeseman

  3. Those words describe everything...we had soo much fun! It was so hot and stuffy but we could manage it! Camp is a must do its one of the best things in life! Anyway have a great day...sweet dreams!

    Tori-Grace :)

  4. some very powerful (and some funny) words from camp there. You are very lucky to have had such a wonderful time. Campreally is a highlight of being in Y5 and 6 isn't it? From Mr Giles
