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Friday, March 12, 2010

Dain and Izzy's Camp Movie

Today we did keynotes about Camp Bentzon. We had 5 different pages we had to include. They were... Something that made us laugh out loud, something new that we learnt, something new that we discovered about ourselves, something that scared us and something we found challenging. Isabella and I did 8 pages including the 5 pages, the title page and the two "thank you for watching" pages. We had to write at least one sentence to each of the 5 pages. We got some photos from the server then moved them to iphoto. Then, we moved them on to our camp keynote. When we had finished writing, putting photos on and all the extra stuff we wanted, we had to export it to quicktime player. It was very hard because we had to make the timing perfect and get the punctuation correct. It took us quite a long time to do it. Here's a slideshow of our finished work. Enjoy!
By Dain


  1. amazing slide show Izzy and Dain

  2. That was super interesting!
    I like your movie and the writing.
    The coolest thing was turning around with three colours.
    Good work DAIN & Izzy!

  3. That was extremely cool! I bet you worked really hard!!!!!!!

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Sahville

  4. I like a lot of these slideshows! Especially Louisa & Aaliyah's one about Camp Bentzon!
