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Monday, March 15, 2010

Louisa and Aaliyah's Camp Presentation

Camp was so fun, we enjoyed the games, activities and the food. Thank you for the parents and the teachers to make this camp of 2010 possible. Please enjoy this video we made.


  1. Cool slide show Louisa and Aaliyah it was interesting.

  2. Wow that was awesome girls I loved it great job I hope my one will be as good!! Its awesome!! keep up the great work!

    From your classmate Tori-Grace :)

  3. Louisa and Aaliyah - I really liked this! I used to go to Camp Bentzon when I was teaching at my old School so some of the photographs brought back some very fond memories! Unfortunately I couldn't read all of the words because they were too small but I liked the way that you had the pictures. Thought that the picture of the Weka was excellent because I remember those from the Camp very clearly!
    Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato

  4. I like the camp videos it was cool.

  5. That was totally cool! I couldn't read the words either, but i'll give this a 10/10!

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Sahville!
