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Monday, September 13, 2021

Maori Language Week - Challenge!

Take a picture of a word written in Te Reo using objects to write a word in Te Reo (preferably objects that relate to the meaning of the word).  for example: [see the pictures above]

Hu - Shoe [Thanks Kathleen for this one]

Maitai - Cutlery [ This is Miss C's one]

rēmana - Lemon - Sol's Mum, with a chicken photobomber!

Kapu - Cup - By Regan

Pene - pen - by Mrs Flynn

Tuhinga tuitui - sticky notes - Violet

Teretere - Candle - Grace T

mātiti - peg - Brodie

Pukapuka - Book - Cormac

Pene whitau - felt pens - Ash

Rau - leaf - Amber

Pēne - pen - Tane

Harakeke - flax - by Flynn


Pepeha by Lucas

Poti Kai - Cat Food - By Lily

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