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Monday, September 13, 2021

Lockdown Action from MT3 August/Sept 2021

 The Arty & Creative Ones

By Jamie

a mineshaft - Left the outside, and Right the inside

 Hope learnt to draw a Blue Whale from the YOE website.

Regan's wild art

Hope making dyed shirts!


Create a RAINBOW using objects - Savannah

Cormac traces Calvin and Hobbs

Savvy's Lego Castle from 30 days of Lego Challenges

Savvy refurbishing an old wooden box - sanding, staining and spraying the handles.

 The Culinary Ones


Regan - Chocolate cake stuffed with raspberries and cream yum!

 Savannah baking a Banana cake -
"the best banana cake ever".

We found the pizza hut recipe for the dough and sauce online and followed the instructions. It was delicious! Max did a great job making the dough, and we tried a new method where we pressed the dough into pans rather than rolling it out. 

Charlie's divine looking cake!

Regan's made up sponge cake with strawberry filling

Max & Heidi make Iced Mochas!

The Cultivating Ones

        Hope has planted  bok choy, spring onions, basil, sunflowers, tomatoes and lettuce.


The Designing Ones

The Madhatters tea party anyone? Awesome Alice in Wonderland planning for Book Character day! Well done Jess

How the Madhatter tea party happened

As soon as I heard about the book character task, I immediately thought Alice and wonderland. Then my mum suggested baking my two-favourite things baking and creating. So, I hopped on my computer and searched Alice and wonderland cakes. All of them looked so good but only one I loved the Madhatters hat cake. It didn’t come with a recipe it was only a picture, so we improvised and found two chocolate cake recipe and one vanilla cake recipe. We didn’t have all the ingredients, so we sent my dad to the store. 

That day passed and a new day arrived Friday. Now we had to plan the costumes. I was Alice, Grace was the Madhatter, Franky was the door mouse, mum was the queen of hearts and dad was the photographer. Then Grace made a Madhatter hat. We were going to set it all up in the toy room. 

Then that day passed, and baking day arrived. Mum, grace and I made the two chocolate cakes. We soon put them in the oven. My mum removed the cakes from the oven and called us up to pipe the meringues, but they weren't normal meringues my mum swapped the egg whites out for chickpea water. The first two batches where revolting but the third one was fine. An hour later we made the vanilla cake. 

Now its Sunday the constructing day and the day of the tea party. Grace and I moved the black table into place. Then my mum washed her tea set. Then it was time to construct the cakes. We made icing to stick the cakes together. We made sugar syrup to glue the fondant on. It was fondant rolling time. We rolled the fondant then added blue. We kept adding blue. My technique was to dab the fondant into some food colouring then fold it in until it gets darker and darker. We added some black to the fondant. We draped the fondant over the cakes to see if it was long enough, but it wasn’t long enough. So, we ripped open the other packet of fondant and added half of it to our mixture. We coated the cake with sugar syrup and put the fondant on top. Then we made a fondant feather and card put that on and we had done the cake. I got food platters ready Grace put a tablecloth on the table we got into our costumes a took photos. Then we ate and the tea party was over.


The Sciencey and Mathsey Ones


By Holly

I started by making 3 paper-planes. Then I went outside and started flying them. I started with point up, then point flat and so on. My planes were The Wide-Winged Glider, The Skater and then The Rollercoaster.
I measured how far all my planes flew and recorded the results. My best flight was 'Launch High' from 'The Rollercoaster' which was 586cm. 
Today I made my graphs. I wrote down the labels for the different ways of flying the planes on the X axis and I coloured in the bars. 

The Writing Ones


Regan's Wood Pigeon Poem - a Diamante Poem

The Researching Ones

You might need to pause the videos to read the information

By Isla



By Hope


 By Regan

By Christiano

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