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Friday, July 27, 2012

The Olympic Mascots

Toby went to England for a holiday and bought back an Olympic mascot - he is called Wenlock - we discovered some information about the mascots and how they were designed.
Click here to see the movies that Wenlock and Mandeville star in
Click here to see and play the Olympic games with the mascots

Wenlock is an Olympic games cyclops mascot. He can shoot rainbows out of his hands and he can run on a rainbow wherever he goes. He wears the Olympic rings as friendship bracelets. His eye has a built in camera also a light on his forward head like the black London taxi lights. His head reminds about the three medals.


  1. I really enjoyed learning about the olympic mascots, they are quite cute, but I like Mandevill better than Wenlock.

  2. Playing the games were fun but creating one was awesome Elliot.H
