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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

James May Toy Story

James may is doing a new TV show called James May Toy stories he is doing cool things like: an air fix spitfire of a scale of 1 to 1, a whole garden of plastercine flowers, the worlds biggest slot car set, a lego house the size of a classroom and stuff like that. He gets old toys out of the cupboard and it shows you that they can be better than video games. It is on at 7.30pm on a Monday on TV3 - I really like it. See if you do too.

Josh and Vik


  1. this is the coolest blog

  2. I watched this show on Monday and really liked it too! I have heard that soon he will be making a house out of lego!

  3. I havn't seen it but it sounds really cool i can't wait to c it!! any way have a really cool day.


  4. Nice blog josh and vik it was awesome! my favourite thing you talked about was the lego house he size of a classroom.

  5. He sounds very cool and Im going to watch his program on Monday. from Hannah

  6. nice! I would love to watch it!

  7. alex said...
    unfortunately i haven't watch it.
    nextewwk i won't miss this program it seems to be interesting.

  8. james may toy stories are so cool.Thanks for the comment on our sewing.We were staring to make our pencil cases.We are making them out of denim.
    Tamara,room 8,Melville Intermedite School,

  9. Interesting blog Josh it is amazing that James May made a lego house the size of a classroom.
