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Monday, February 15, 2010

Camp Bentzon On Kawau Island

We stayed at camp for 5 days and 4 nights. The food that Steve made was delicious, I liked lazana and chocolate moose the most. When we were going to get ready to do the burma trail we had 2 options do the burma trail or play spotlight. Most of the people did the burma trail. The Burma trail was freaky because we had to do it at night and it was pitch black. Some people that did the burma trail fell in ditch's because someone or something grabbed thier legs thats what happened to me. Miss Chesseman was playing spotlight and she was hiding with JD and JD was on above of Miss Chesseman up a tree and JD said if they don't find them soon he will need to go toilet and thats what made Miss Chesseman scared.
Sam and Josh's two favourite activity was kayaking and sailing . When we went kayaking we went to another island called survivor island when we went there we went snorkling and rock climbing in this cave there is a love heart. It was 1.4 km away from our camp. When we went sailing to another wharf it was hard because you have to keep the the sail behind your head.
The coolest thing about camp was swimming, because we could jump off the pontoon in the middle of the water.
We had heaps of fun. There are more photos on our school website - you can see them by clicking HERE and HERE

By Sam and Josh.

Camp Bentzon on PhotoPeach


  1. ithink camp was really fun and challenging but we all got there in the end and we all had a great time! My favourite activity was the confidence coarse coz it was hard and easy at times but all together a word...FUN! I had heaps of fun at camp and I bet everyone else did as well!

  2. I think camp is awsome,too. The cool thing was Yachting in the rain and fishing. I enjoyed and learnt a lot of things in the camp.

  3. We hope you had a great time at camp - it looks awesome. We hope we go to camp too. The rope walk and the beach look like the best things.
    Gabe and Kirsten

  4. Wow! You guys must have had a lot of fun.
    Ben and Abigail

  5. Wow Room 22, that looks really awesome. It must have been really fun when you went kayaking. We think that the rope climb was really hard for you guys.
    Sophie and Mikayla from Room 6

  6. That was amazing! We loved your pictures. We wish we were going to camp this year.
    Sasha and Alfred - Room 6

  7. camp was so much fun!
    i would love to go to camp again!

  8. We hope you all had a good time. We thought that kissing a fish would be disgusting. "I wouldn't do it for a thousand dollars," said Annelise, "but Josiah would."
    Annelise and Cheyenne

  9. At camp Kawau island we had so much fun. I wish we get to spend atleast 2 more weeks at camp.

  10. Hae again kayaking around the whole island must be hard!

  11. Camp was awesome. I liked all of the activities. from Hannah

  12. alex said...

    i really enjoyed all activities at camp.
    i might not forget all my remember forever also i hope we can have another chance to go another place like that.

  13. I loved the video of camp bentzon it was cool
    from farah

  14. I loved camp it was and I agree with Louisa we should stay at camp for another 2 weeks and come home. but camp totally fun and learnt a lot of things at camp and Steve's food was amazing .

    from nolwazi

  15. yeah camp was really fun


  16. yeah yeah i know camp was fun i mean com'on the best activty was kayaking & the best food was the lasana
