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Friday, November 17, 2017

Poetry Exploration & Creation with Buddies

Pepe and Taylen:

A Astonishing red and juicy
P Plop from the tree
P People eat them and they're crunchy
L Lost in the forest on a tree
E Eat it, grab it, bite it!
S Slurp all the juiciness out

Marshall and Wilf: [Cinquain poem]

I saw
Two cats fighting
Scratching and screeching ... hurt
Fur sticking up with claws hissing
In pain

Marshall and Wilf: [Acrostic poem]

S Sunshine that will burn you
U Unbearable heat that will melt you
M Maximum fire danger that will scold you
M Maybe some water that will hydrate you
E Enter the water that will cool you
R Really good Pav that will fill you

Hanah and Manny [Cinquain Poem]

She is awesome
She likes eating sushi
But not with yuck smelly tuna
So bye

Hanah and Manny [Nursery Rhyme Poem]

Once there was a little baby
She was nice and chubby
Whenever she went outside
She would get too lazy

Dan and Harry [Alphabet poem]

A is for Antelope or zingy and fast
B is for Boar who hides in the grass
C is for Cat all sleepy and lazy
D is for Dog who likes to sniff daisies
E is for Elephant whose nice a smart
F is for Flamingo whose colour is art
G is for Goat who'd eat anything at all
H is for Horse who could jump high walls
I is for Insect who steals food and runs
J is for Jaguars who are playful and have fun
K is for Kangaroo who can run around and jump
L is for Lima who live in trees and make a big thump
M is for Moneky who eats bananas all squishy and chunky
N is for Neut who is slimy, slippy and funky
O is for Ostrich who has nice big feet, running they make a big beat
P is for Panther when they are hungry sure they can eat
Q is for Quails and they wish they could fly
R is for Rat who are annoying and they should probably die
S is for Sheep who are nice and quite fluffy
T is for Turtles who are slow and live with guppies
U is for Unicorn and they're nothing but majestical
V is for Viper they attack lightening quick
W is for Worms all slimy and slick
X is for X-ray fish who will not attack
Y is for Yak who have hair on their back
Z is for Zebra who is last, not much to say but whoa stripey!

Leigh and Deacon:

T Time to grow the trees
R Ripening fruit that we can eat
E Everyone save the trees
E Earths keeper
S Some are big and some are small

Leigh and Deacon:

F Forever together
R Real kind and caring
I In pain they help
E Enjoy each others company
N Never fight
D Do everything together

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