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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Home Learning Heroes

These guys were the most outstanding effort for Term 2 - they put amazing effort into presentation, research and learning - they really upped the anti!
Check them out:

Prezley's amazing Superhero Theme Park

Cameron's amazing water theme park

Ryan's outstanding mini golf course

Amiria's stunning native bird poster

William's stunning research on his Great Great Great Grandad


  1. these are relly cool home lerning's.i relly liked amira's native bird poster with the tree's and the native birds.And prezley's superhero theme park the rides on there where cool and probly tiring like the spirder wall.

    1. I agree with you Indy. Elliot.H

  2. Ms.Cheese man doing a great start to the year keep up the good work but relax for now its the holiday!!!!! Elliot.H

  3. Well done William on that great research. You have inspired me to find out more myself about our family tree. So thanks for that. Cheers Grannie

    1. So lovely to have William's Grannie responding to our class blog. I must say I was very proud of William too and it has inspired me to do a bit more research on my tree too! Make sure he wears those medals on one Anzac day parade - he will love the experience! I was most impressed with the learning he gained and still is gathering during this project.
      Miss C

  4. I think everyone did such a great job! Prezley's superhero theme park was a really creative idea. Cameron's water theme park sounds fun. Ryan's minigolf course took heaps of effort and it was worth it! Amiria's native bird poster was a really good idea how she did a cloud and some trees for the different paragraphs. William researched a lot on his great great great grandad and he always does do really good homework projects. They are all really good so keep up the great work!

  5. I think prezleys theme park looks really cool.
    camerons water themepark looks awesome.
    ryans awesome minigolf course looks really fun.
    amirias nativebird poster looks awesome.
    but i think the best one is williams research on his great great great grandad it must of taken a long time to get all that research.

  6. I hurt my left leg yesterday at the museum I slipped down the with my leg nearly at my shoulder it really hurt I think I did the spilts
