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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sun flowers

On Wednesday the 16th of November room 22 got sunflower plants.  First
we got a yogurt container and got some potting mix in the container and put a sunflower seed in the container.  We are having a competition and whoever takes a picture or takes there sunflower plant to school gets a prize. My sunflower is up to 6cm from the top of the the sprout from the dirt and the leaves go up to 7 and a half cm and here is a picture of him. His name is s.b.w it stands Sunny Bill Williams.

photo by Gabe
owner Gabe
published by Gabe


  1. I love how you did
    photo by Gabe
    owner Gabe
    published by Gabe
    It is so published. I love the name S.B.W funny!


  2. Hello, I think your Sunflower is amazing I wish me and my class could plant an Sunflower. I also read the part where you said you was having an competition, it seem's like your having an fantastic time...
    Please leave an wonderful comment on our blog like you always do,
    P.S Thankyou from Annalise High Lawn Primary 6D
