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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Problem - Can you solve it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOL - we are on holiday this week from school - so I want my class to have a go first...so I promise to post the answer at the end of October - can you wait that long?
    Thanks for being Quad blogging buddies!

  3. We are working on learning to read, but we all found it- because we always make sure what we read makes sense!!
    Our teacher missed it the first time.
    Mrs Soltau-Heller & K/1

  4. Ok feeling really silly now. Why did we focus so hard on the numbers. Very tricky!

  5. That was a good mistake and a silly one. At first I did not know the mistake and then I found out. Tamanna:)

  6. What is this silly mistake cause I have exactly no clue at all. All the numbers are the same and they are all the right way,well that is to me. Just could someone please tell me already.

    :):):) Chantelle

  7. that was hard becase i just found it to day the 18th of november.brandon
