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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Summerland Sports Exchange
Some of the year fives and sixes went on a sports exchange replaced by a Winter field day that was going to happen earlier this year. The sportssome kids were doing were Hockey, Soccer, Kiwi Sport, Netball, Rugby League. In Hockey, Summerland had to play Sunnyvale, Summerland. Summerland Team Red had take off one player (which was me) on our team to make eight players because there were nine players in our team. In Kiwi Sport you got to play games like Unihoc, The Nests, Bombers and Dodge Ball. The schools that the Kiwi Sporters played were Ranui Primary, Western Heights Primary, Summerland. They played the sports at the Te Pai courts.In Soccer, the schools they played were Pomaria, Western Heights, Henderson North.They played soccer at Henderson North.In Netball, the schools they played were Western Heights, Pomaria, Henderson North, Summerland. They played net ball at the Te Pai courts.We all had so much fun at the Sports Exchange, we could have been playing longer! By Sahville
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