Welcome to MT 3's musings, learning and sharing environment - we hope you enjoy looking at our work and will share your thoughts and comments with us too!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Still in Lockdown Week 2 T4

 Tuesday Zoom as we had Labour day yesterday!


And Thursday's Spookathon Halloween Zoom - a few days early but what a sight!!!

Bonnie, Ash and Griffin....

ewwww! That's Georgia's made up arm!

Holly's freaky spider web eyes complete with spider!

And Indiah's awful injury!

Our Spookathon names for Kahoot

AND Then Holly's Dad freaked me out in the afternoon Learning Zoom Session!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Still in Lockdown....Term 4 Week 1

 Social zooming Week 1 - and the logical thinking YouTube show!


And Freaky Friday's Feedback Zoom!

Such FUN!!

Monday, October 4, 2021

Holiday Zoomers!

 Monday day 1 of the school Holls - at L3

We had 5 today which was a lovely number for a few laughs. We did Survivor 2 and some guess my drawings - this is Christian's rather strange SHEEP!! LOL

 Thursday day 4 of the school Holls - at L3.5

5 again today - zoom with a difference - an Interactive Zoom..


Tuesday 12th Holiday Zoom - and the Impossible Kahoot Quiz!

Thursday 14th Holiday Zoom