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Monday, April 27, 2020

ANZAC day 2020

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says it is an Anzac Day like no other, but the purpose of honouring the Anzac commitment and "enduring hopes of peace" remains the same.
The Covid-19 lockdown has cancelled Anzac services today, but this morning thousands of Kiwis are not letting it stop them from paying their respects.
Up and down the country, New Zealanders gathered at their letterboxes, front doors and
living rooms as part of the "Stand at Dawn" campaign and tuning in to a live stream of a virtual Anzac Day service.

Christian made an amazing PowerPoint on ANZAC day

How did our R10 and R10 honouraries celebrate? [Well once a Cheeser always a Cheeser]

Finn's Mailbox

Finn's Driveway

Daniel's driveway

Miss C was there too - 6am playing the Last Post and a minute's silence on a very empty and dark road in Waitakere

An amazing gate in Laingholm
It’s ANZAC Day in New Zealand 🇳🇿
Our little lockdown remembrance display we made today in Belgium 🇧🇪 We will never forget

Lillia and Alessa in Belgium



Friday, April 24, 2020

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing - Week 2 & 3

Fudge - by Savannah

Violets Q responses for Week 2

- Last year I invited friends to the indoor climbing centre and it was great fun!

- The dentist got Fudge to open his mouth by asking Peter to open his mouth first then telling him how amazing his teeth were. Fudge then wanted to show the dentist he could do this too. I don’t like going to the dentist because they prod around in my mouth.

- Fudge wanted the same shoes as Peter but they did not come in his size.

- Sheila is a know it all so I probably wouldn’t get on with her.

- Fudge scribbled all over Peter’s poster with markers!

Brodie's RIP to Dribble

Brodie's invitation


Violet's Invitations for Fudges birthday party


back of invitation

Front of invitation


Brodies' Minecraft Hospital



Week 3 chapter chat questions by Savannah

Question 1
No it wasn’t a good idea because fudge wouldn’t go in front of the camera. 
Question 2
Yes and no, yes because he took them to the movies and cooked them dinner.  No because he wasn’t watching where fudge was and didn’t cook them a nice omelet. My dad is good at looking after me because he takes us out to lunch and makes sure we're in bed at 7.00 and 8.00 and cooks us yum food.
Question 3
I would have called a nurse or a doctor.
Question 4
Peter's mum gave good advice so did Peter she did give an example.
 Question 5
I wondered if fudge was going to get into any more trouble.
Question 6
Yes I do like compliments  I can leave someone else a compliment
Question 7
I do like the way it ended I felt happy
Question 8
It was about fudge eating turtle, peter the winner at jimmy fargo’s birthday party, juicy-o, fudge pretending to be a dog, fudge wanting to be a bird, fudge’s birthday, Peter wanted to call fuge fang but peters mum didn’t like it, jimmy peter and sheila were in a committee together and  then fudge scribbled on it, fudge got picked for the todel bike commercial,peters dad took them to the movies and fudge got lost.
Question 9
I did enjoy the story 8/10 it was a good storyline it was funny in places and I like the characters  


Judy Blume research by Savannah

Violet's answers to Chapter Chat Questions and picture:

It was not a good idea to use Fudge for the advert because he doesn’t have an acting background and he just wanted to ride on the bike 

Mr Hatcher wasn’t good at looking after kids because he lost Fudge and made the worst omelette! My dad is good at looking after me because he takes care of me and does fun things with me.

If Fudge swallowed my pet turtle I would be scared what would happen to the turtle and him!

Peter’s mum was a good person and gave good advice. She called the ambulance to take Fudge to the hospital.

When I read the story I wondered how it is even possible to swallow a turtle? How can it fit through Fudge’s tubes (oesophagus)?

I like compliments. It’s nice to give someone a compliment if they do a good job.

I liked the way the story ends. I feel good that Peter got the pet that he always wanted...a dog that was big enough that Fudge couldn’t eat it!

I enjoyed the story and give it an eight & a half out of ten because it’s fun and entertaining!

I know a Young Man who Swallowed a Turtle
 By Christian
I know a young man, who swallowed a turtle,
I don’t know why he swallowed the turtle,
I guess he will hurl.

I know a young man, who ate kelp just for a snack,
He swallowed the kelp to feed the turtle.
I don’t know why he swallowed the turtle,
I guess he will hurl.

I know a young man, who swallowed a living fish,
Wait, What?
He swallowed the fish to harvest the kelp,
He swallowed the kelp to feed the turtle,
I don’t know why he swallowed the turtle,
I guess he will hurl.

Next minute, with a swish and a flutter and a whole lot of kelper
Hurl, hurl, HURL!
Off into the sea with such a hurtle flew the turtle.

Charlie's Empire State building on Minecraft


Hope's Work on Chapter Chat

View from my Window!

Send me a photo of the view from my window! 

Any window in your house!

This is the view from Miss C's lounge window:

This is my view from my pirate treehouse. I’m enjoying lockdown it’s been relaxing.


  This is the view from our kitchen window. The beautiful red tree is our favourite!



Lorena sent two views in

This picture is from my bedroom window. You can see my mums car and the beautiful colours of autumn. 

The first picture is also from my bedroom window. Through the trees you can see the parking of Laingholm Beach. 


Regan's view from his window 

Savannah's view from their office

Christian's view for breakfast eating

Monday, April 20, 2020

Boredom Busting with Room 10

Emily and Grace have been busy making a fairy garden today with things found in our garden. Thought you might enjoy our LaingHOME school logo in the background 😂
Check out that AWESOME school logo!!! Brilliant!

 Brodie made a wasp catcher!!!

 Alessia and Liliana made their OWN classroom with characters all the way from their Lockdown in Belgium!

Holly learnt a new skill - sewing!

And there's been a few budding chefs too:

Ash's 50 words about himself

Ash's WordArt from his list of words!

Bonnie's Magic!

Holly's Room 10 Challenge

 Savvy's Homemade Gynmastics!


Ollie demonstrating the centripetal force

 Grace playing with the Brainbox equipment - flying saucers


Fletcher made a fort for his cat

Here is my cat shadows land I built for her.
On top of it is a bridge for her to go over the roof and also to sleep in. The building with the flag is her home. Underneath the bridge is the apple shop by the cabinet is the library and on top of the library is her playground.



  Ollie made an awesome Birdbox with his dad - lots of measuring and working out angles here!


 Sol made PIZZA from scratch for the family!!

  Violets DIY project during the lockdown was making a glittery bedside table top to sit on her existing shelves. Violet’s dad Nick and sister Amélie helped and they had a lot of fun making it. They enjoyed using the power tools and mixing coloured glitter through the varnish!



  Fletcher and Finley playing chess

  Indiah baking cookies and dinner

Indiah's Dominoe Run


Holly found this amazing video and then tried one herself


Violet's amazing cot and stand that she and her dad made for her baby doll Bailey. The cot is made from sound insulation with a wooden base...Violet nailed the sound insulation to the wood and stitched the sides of sound insulation together. The cot stand is made of ply wood which they bent and then Violet nailed together!