We walk to the gate, we're inside the trust stadium and we see our home team....the LG MYSTICS!! They were versing the pulse team. Beep as the whistle goes! The game has started...wow the mystic's goal shooter has the ball in her hands ready to shoot! Beep the whistle goes again the mystics have a goal!! The crowd goes wild and then very quiet...soon the whistle goes again now

the crowd is waving there blue banners, shouting and screaming, then everyone is suddenly quiet then the ball has been thrown to the pulse team then the whistle blows. The timer goes its a quarter gone already the mystics have 21 goals already. Pulse has 30 goals they have got in the lead I wonder what happens next! The whistle blows its the second quarter already the mystics have 31 goals and the pulse team are still on 30 goals.....But wait a minute? Something awesome is coming out? it is, it is, a HUGE DICE!! What happens with the dice is when you get a number from 1 to 6 that is the time you will get for the game, and if you get the smile face we get 15 minutes to go,so that is quite a long time for the mystics and the pulse team. So the dice has been rolled and what number do we get???? We get the number 6!!!!So then we get 6 minutes for the game to end, so then the mystics have 59 and the pulse team had 59 as well so then the talker guy said that we should have 14 minutes left to the finish. So this is what he meant, so we have 7 minutes for the mystics and pulse, then they have 1 minute to have a drink, then have a talk, then they will go play again for 7 minutes then have another drink and then another talk. Then we all look at the Score board and OMG!!!! pulse have 60 goals and we have 61 goals and the CROWD GOES WILD by screaming and shouting and cheering and then we all clap and cheer some more, and then everyone starts walking outside so they can go home and then the game was finished, and if you wanted to you could meet the mystics and get something signed.
written by Rhiannon and Tori-Grace