On Wednesday the 25/3/09 Summerlands year 5's and 6's went on the big day out!!.We traveled around West Auckland trying to find clues to find our way back to school. We had 70 dollars in each group. There were 17 groups all together. We had to use the money wisley. We had to buy our lunch out of our group money. It was a hot day walking around in the sun and finding clues. On the clues there was these qustions that we had to solve and as we were solving them we had a parent to supervise us but they weren't allowed to help us with the problems For example: find this book in the library 16500, & do a dance outside the mall.
When we got back to school we had to do an assessment. We think that we will talk about this trip for a long time. Some people walked back to school because they had no money left and some people went on this small as bus that we were so squeezed we coundn't even breath for 2 seconds but we all got back to school safely.
Shania & Salotte
Shania & Salotte